7 Training Tips for Beginners

1. Start somewhere!
If you are new to training or exercising, then it is important to set measurable and realistic goals. It is hard to jump from no regular exercise to training for two hours every day of the week. But it is much more feasible to start with just 30 minutes three times a week. Also, increase the intensity of your workout incrementally. You might not be able to do inclined running or lift 235 lbs right away, but you can start with jogging or lift lighter weights and then work your way up. Starting small will help to build your confidence and protect you from injuries.
2. Have a training plan!
It is important to have a training plan that suits your schedule and matches you fitness level. Also, don’t forget to add variation to your workout plan. For example, if you plan to work out four days a week to prepare yourself for the Lord’s Gym Mud Run, rather than doing the same routine every time, you can have one day of the week be Cardio day, one day as Leg Day, one day to train your arms, and one day for your core. Having variation in your training plan will make it more interesting, and also give your muscles time to rest and build. What’s your next step? Stick to your training plan!
3. Have a training buddy (or buddies)!
We all have times in our training when we lack motivation or feel stuck. This is why having a training buddy (or buddies) who can support you and encourage you during such times is important! They can hold you accountable on the days you just want to be a couch potato. Many of our Lord’s Gym Members of the Months told us that they had plateau periods during which they felt discouraged and wanted to give up. It was their friends and community of trainers who helped them to carry on. So surround yourself with people who can motivate you and support you is a key to success in your training!
4. Know that it takes time!
In our day and age, it is normal to want to see evident results immediately. However, it takes time and perseverance to see the results of physical training. There is no instant gratification on the journey of fitness. Therefore, don’t get discouraged when you think that you are going nowhere, and know that your hard work will pay off! Focus on building a habit first, and on seeing the results second. Finally, don’t forget to celebrate small victories along the way!
5. Know that it’s worth it!
Always remember why you wanted to start exercising! It will make you feel happier. It will build power and strength, and reduce stress for you. You will have more energy and be able to do more activities in life. You are getting healthier and more fit. You will have a confidence boost and working hard will become a new habit for you. The list goes on and you will discover that this is a lifelong rewarding habit!
If you are training to prepare yourself for the 2018 Lord’s Gym Mud Run, know that it is especially worthwhile! The Mud Run is a lot of fun, and you will have a great sense of satisfaction and achievement!
6. Be prepared the day before
What can you do to help yourself stick to your training plan? One great way is to be prepared the day before. Schedule your gym exercise session into your calendar. Set alarms in your phone if you plan to get up early to go to the gym. Have your gym bag ready and put your work-out clothes out the night before. When you are prepared, you will be more motivated to carry out your training plan.
7. Start today!
If you feel the motivation in your body to start exercising and training, don’t wait for a later time because you might no longer have the same momentum. There is no better day to start your workout journey and training than today!